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Conrad Murray Gets the Maximum sentence.

Conrad Murray, the doctor convicted of involuntary manslaughter  in the death of Michael Jackson, was sentenced to four years of jail time, the maximum punishment the judge could deliver. The sentencing came almost three weeks after a jury found Dr.Murray guilty of administering Jackson with a fatal dose of the powerful sedative Propofol on June 25, 2009. "Some may feel that this was a medical malpractice case. It wasn't. And this jury found that Conrad Murray, with criminal negligence, caused the death of Michael Jackson," Judge Michael Pastor said this before he revealed  the sentence. "The fact is, Michael Jackson died because of the actions of, and the failures to perform legal duties on the part of, Conrad Murray."  


Contingent Deal moves NBA lockout closer to an end.

The NBA and representatives of what was formerly the National Basketball Players Association reached a tentative agreement early Saturday morning to end the league's 149-day lockout.
The league expects to open the season with a triple header Christmas Day. Not worried about missing almost eight weeks of the season, the NBA is aiming to possibly have  a 66-game season for each team, which would definitely  extend the regular season by  two weeks and downsizing  the playoffs. A regular NBA season begins on or about Nov. 1 and includes 82 games.   Your comments?


Christmas is right around the corner. (Drought puts a damper on tree farmers)

In NEW CANEY, Texas, Dry, brown grass crunches underneath  David Barfield's feet as he walks through his 45-acre Christmas tree farm pointing at evergreens covered with  rust-colored needles.
"Dead tree, dead tree, dead tree," he says, as he  shakes his head at dry timber.  He had much  hope that his trees would be chopped down by parents with excited children.
Instead, Mother Nature delivered the Grinch in the form of a historic drought that has killed thousands of trees across the states of Texas and Oklahoma. Some died of thirst. Others were destroyed by wildfires.
Most farmers plan to import trees from North Carolina to supplement any they have left, said Marshall Cathey, president of the Texas Christmas Tree Growers Association. They say they aren't planning to raise prices because consumers are skeptical to pay more than $40 or $50 for a Christmas tree, especially in the poor economy.  What else is next?  Your comments please...


AT&T and T-Mobile deal might not happen???!

"AT&T Inc and Deutsche Telekom AG are continuing to pursue the sale of Deutsche Telekom's U.S. wireless assets to AT&T," they said in a statement on Thursday, the Thanksgiving Day holiday in the United States.   What are your thoughts?  I would especially like to hear from current subscribers of both companies.


Did this Russian TV news host give President Obama the finger?

The host of a Russian television news channel has caused international stir over a video that shows her giving the middle finger to the camera while mentioning President Barack Obama during a newscast.      

  Check it out at the link below.    


Black Friday

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving Day in the United States, usually the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. On this day, most major retailers open very early, sometimes  at 4 a.m., or earlier, and offer promotional sales to start the shopping season. Black Friday is not actually a holiday, but most non-retail employers give their employees the day off, hoping to increase  the number of  shoppers. It has usually been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005, however news reports, which at that time were not trustworthy , have described it as the busiest shopping day of the year for a longer period of time.
The day's name originated in Philadelphia, where it originally was used to depict the heavy and disruptive pedestrian and vehicle traffic which would occur on the day after Thanksgiving.The use of the term started before 1966 and began to see a wide range of usage outside  of Philadelphia around 1975. Later a different explanation began to be offered: that "Black Friday" indicates the point which retailers begin to see an actual profit, or are "in the black".   Your comments ...?

Syrian Activists say 28 people killed in one day.

Syrian activists say the death toll from a day of security raids and violence has risen to  28 people.
The latest deaths comes as a key U.N. committee voted  on Tuesday to condemn human rights violations by President Bashar Assad's government and called for a quick end to all violence.     How long is this going to go on?

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Weirdest things you've ever eaten?

I tried alligator for the first time yesterday and I must say I'm shocked that I did.  

As silly as it sounds, it really does taste somewhat like chicken, but try to imagine a cross between chicken and fish.     Go try it hey why not have some on the side for Thanksgiving.


Another Sunday.

Today it's pretty wet and muggy outside in New Orleans.  With only four days til Thanksgiving I still have to decide where exactly or how many places exactly that I am passing through for a meal. (lol)  Then after Thanksgiving this weekend is The Bayou Classic, if you don't know what that is, it's Southern's and Grambling Universities annual football game held at the superdome. Afterward sports' fans head out to various night clubs in the city and of course Bourbon St. is completely flooded with people. This game brings lots of business for the city and unlike this past Halloween, I hope there's no violence.   Well you all know what to do any comments or questions that you may have; don't hesitate to speak your mind.


Just got off the phone with a very rude rep.

I hate when I'm calling a company for help and they treat me like I am annoying them.  The first representative was very pleasant and somewhat knowledgeable.  The second representative was quite rude and I rushed me off of the phone.   I won't name the company; but this guy really isn't customer service material. 


Herman Cain says he would go easy on federal marijuana restrictions.

If states want to legalize medical marijuana, I think that's a state's right," Cain said,  "Because one of my overriding approaches to looking at all of these issue --most of them belong at the state, because when you do something federally . . .  you try to force one-size-fits-all."     Hmm  well now what to think about this guy?


NBA Lockout 2011 News.

The ongoing NBA lockout feels like a horror movie  to most. There are so many unexplained shifts and bolts that it is hard to keep up with any of them. After the latest  offers and negotiations fell through, the players took a major stand that could ruin the 2011-12 season for good. After rejecting the latest deal, the NBAPA held a press conference where they announced that they will shut-down. That will lead to lawsuits and at the least cancel many more games

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Nothing like a Vodka and Fresh squeezed Orange Juice.

Just had a rough day at work?  There's nothing like coming home to a relaxing drink on the rocks.   Just thought I'd share that with everyone. Have a nice night.

Turkey Chart



                       Weight        CTMPP      Temp and Readiness

Turkey, Whole 8 to 12 lbs. 15 to 20 325 180
12 to 14 lbs. 15 to 17 325 180
14 to 18 lbs. 14 to 16 325 180
18 to 20 lbs. 13 to 14 325 180
20 to 24 lbs. 12 to 13-1/2 325 180               CTMPP Cooking time  minutes per pound.

How to cook a Turkey.

1. Remove giblets usually stored in a packet in the neck area of Turkey. Use them  for making a broth if you wish to do so.. Remove and throw away  any large pieces  of fat that could be  in the neck area.
2. For whole Turkey, drain juices and  make sure cavity is dry using  paper towels. At the moment, the USDA does not advise  us to wash  poultry prior to cooking it. If you do decide to , make sure to wash the sink with hot, soapy water or you can  sanitize the sink with a mild bleach solution of 1 teaspoon of bleach to  1 quart of water. This will help  to stop cross-contamination to other food items  that may be washed in the sink.
3. Apply  salt in a rubbing motion to the inside of the neck cavity area  
4.  Breast side should be placed  up on a rack in a shallow pan.
5. Lightly apply to the skin oil or melted butter with a brush.
6. Insert an oven-safe meat thermometer into  thigh area of large birds, make sure it's not touching bone. (Or for large or small birds, use an instant readable thermometer  prior to you returning it to the oven.)
7. Roast, uncovered, without liquid according to the temperature and time given in the chart listed on my other blog titles "Turkey Chart"  that's easy right? lol  The roasting times include in the chart  are for thawed poultry that is refrigerator cold.
8. If Turkey browns too fast,  cover it with foil.
9. Being that  roasts will continue to cook after removal  from the oven, take them out when the internal temperature is 5-10 degrees under the desired done time.
10. Cover with foil and let stand for 10-15 minutes prior to  removing any stuffing and carving. 

It's 2012

It's the third day of the year 2012.  Some say this will be a stange year, others say things will get better. I have spoken to several of my colleagues whom have given their opinion on what might come this year.

1. Better Economy. (Including job growth)
2. President Barack Obama will be re-elected.  ( I sure hope so, I will be voting for him again)
3. Possibly the end of the world?  (Mayan Calendar)

These are the top 3 answers I received from asking a few people about their thoughts on 2012.  What are yours?


Feeling free.

Today has been quite an eventful day.  To start out, I was awaken @ 6am  to lots of noise from my neighbors having a dispute.  (Go figure)   Then to my surprise there are police cars there taking one of them away. Ok I won't go into too much detail with that. On a positive note I went to get something to eat from the grocery store which also included a few items I intend to cook for my Thanksgiving meal.  Today it will just be spaghetti and meatballs with a salad. One thing I did remember to purchase was a bottle of Crown Royal :-)  Well enough babbling on hope everyone is having a good day.  Peace.


My youtube videos  check em out!  Just getting started more weird one's to come.

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Michael Jackson and Dr. Murray.

What are your thoughts on the verdict? 

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Herman Cain.

Your thoughts on his sexual harassment scandal?


Whats your favorite alcoholic beverage?

 I have a couple,  1. Grey Goose Vodka and Cranberry Juice.  
2. Crown Royal and 7-up  or Sprite.

Here's a great Thanksgiving beverage to try.   It's called the Orange Pointer
 1.5 oz Woodford  Reserve Bourbon (basically you can use any Bourbon of your choosing)
2 barspoons of Orange Marmalade
1.5 oz Apple Juice  (clear)
1 oz Freshly-squeezed Lemon Juice

Place all Ingredients into a shaker with 2 cups of ice, shake swiftly and strain into a glass ( prefer a rock but to each is own) over ice

You can garnish with an orange twist and a sprinke of nutmeg