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Man locked in cellar: I never saw my government checks

A mentally disabled man says he didn't see his government benefit checks for 10 years after he started living with a woman who is now charged in a major fraud and abuse scheme.
Thirty-one-year-old Edwin Sanabria also testified Monday that he was once kept in a closet that was nailed shut by Linda Weston. (pictured)
Sanabria testified at Weston's preliminary hearing. He is one of four mentally disabled adults discovered locked in a  basement in Philadelphia in October
Weston is accused of kidnapping, abusing, and collecting the victim's benefit monies. Prosecutors suspect the 51-year-old paroled killer maybe had dozens of adult and child victims.
Sanabria says Weston took him to a government office in 2001 for paperwork.  He says he never  saw his $674 monthly checks again.        

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