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3/11/12 Events

US Soldier 'Kills 16' Afghans In Their Homes

A rogue US soldier has shot dead 16 Afghan civilians - including nine children - in their homes after leaving a base in the middle of the night, Sky sources have said.

The Afghan victims also included women and elderly men.

Minister of Border and Tribal Affairs Asadullah Khalid, who is investigating the incident, said the soldier entered three homes, killing 11 people in the first one.

The Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) coalition confirmed the incident but did not release the number of killed or injured.

Sky defence reporter Mark Stone said: "It appears to be an isolated incident and the soldier is believed to have been a staff sergeant.

"It really is not good at a time when the Americans and the coalition in general are trying to extract themselves from this very difficult war." Read More

Ahmadinejad: Iran doesn't fear bombs and warships

(Reuters) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has launched a fresh tirade against the West, saying the Islamic Republic does not fear military action, Iranian media reported on Sunday.

"The Iranian nation doesn't fear your bombs and warships and planes. Such weapons are worth nothing," the Fars News Agency quoted him as saying on a visit to the town of Karaj, to the west of Tehran.

"You say to Iran all options are on the table. Leave them there until they rot. The time of arrogance and colonialism has passed, and the era of your unreasonableness passes too."

On Tuesday, the P5+1 group of countries comprising the United States, the UK, France, Russia, China and Germany accepted an offer from Tehran for fresh talks on its nuclear program.

The West has imposed tough sanctions to try to force Iran to open up its nuclear activities to international scrutiny amid suspicions it is secretly trying to develop nuclear weapons. Iran has denied any military development work but has not given international inspectors access to suspicious sites. Read More

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