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Former UN Ambassador says Nuclear threat is now a "clear and present danger"

Former UN ambassador says nuclear threat is now a 'clear and present danger' as Iran warns Saudi Arabia not to help the West

Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton has warned a report that Iran is a year away from being able to build a nuclear bomb may be too optimistic.In a radio interview today, he said: 'I worry the publicly available information is giving only a very small picture and that Iran is actually even much further along.'
Mr Bolton was speaking on Aaron Klein Investigative Radio on New York’s WABC Radio.
The former ambassador was asked about a statement from a former head of U.N. nuclear inspections claiming Iran is now just a year or so away from having enough enriched uranium to assemble a nuclear bomb.
Olli Heinonen wrote in an article published earlier this week that Iran made this advancement after switching production of its higher-grade enriched uranium to a new, underground site.
Reacting to the one-year timeline, Mr Bolton stated: 'I think it can be even less than that."

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